family time
Alhamdulillah my parents and also my grandparents all came to KL yesterday...I'm so happy and felt motivated to start the journey as a medical student (yeahhhhh)...(don't malas2 Jannah, you have to make your family happy with your achievement..Thanks Allah I'm not studying oversea because if yes, i will crying a river and being homesick forever and ever... The thinks is I always pray for Allah's guidance throughout my journey and granted me and my family heaven. Alhamdulillah with all the rezeki that Allah gave us..I'm proud to say that I have a happy family...I also pray to Allah, please don't take all the people that I loved now, because I really need them as a strength for me.. (I cried while typing this)...homesick mood on everyone...ready the tissues already beside the laptop.. ok now..let's start with the topic about teenagers nowadays.. Sometimes, I can't understand some teenagers refuse to continue their study (I mean secondary school) espe...