got rejected!

I do not blog anything for so long. As usual I wanted to blog anything happen in my life but it turned out to be something else. I forgot, tired and busy. Okay guys I'm gonna start my new sem for less than a month but I'm still doing nothing. No preparation at all. So bad! bad girl Jannah you're lazy! I felt so happy for this holiday since majority of my friends already finished their degree and internship. So, I had a chance to hang out with them before and after raya. Andddd congrates to my friend who got married last week. Actually I have friend who already blessed with 2 children. I iz insecure!! haha no lahh as I said to myself and all people who asked a question like "Jannah bila pulak?" THE TIME WILL COME. (please read this in slow tone i'm not gonna reply rudely like all posted in our social media right now). It's not good okay. Please be polite like our culture taught us. Mind our roots. Unfortunately after finish with the happy part, my EBM r...