
Showing posts from December, 2016

exam fever (18/12/16)

After so long, my mood to blog something here is coming HAHA. Actually I have a lot of things to tell here but typical me always doing something following the mood. My aim to create a blog is for me to reminiscing the past when I got older bahahaha. Nothing more than that. Since I can't sleep tonight, let's have a cup of coffee and may stay up a bit late for today since exam is coming, 58 days more to go, and I feel like fainting huarggh. I want to share my journey as a final year medical student. Like I said in my previous post (I can't remember which post actually), medicine is like a marathon, you'll feel slightly demotivated and less passion at the end of the running because you already tired and you just want to give up. So do I. A month ago was a critical month for me. I feel demotivated, ungrateful, less spirit and lazy. I asked myself, 'can I give up?' Seriously I was soooo blur in everything. I felt less confident with myself, I don't know how t...