contact lens

Contact lens????! Some people will look scare and some of them are eager hearing these words. Me is someone who get scare after hearing contact lens before. I'm wearing specs since year 5 in primary school. We can't run from genetic people and yes all my families wearing specs. Before this I heard so many things about how bad and risky the contact lenses are. So, it took me like 13 years to convince myself to try contact lens. And here I am start wearing contact lens but not everyday. I'm new about all types of lens so I can't give any opinion about the brands. Already tried Freshkon and Blincon. For the beginner, of course do not wear it unless you really know all the risks and safety precaution of these things. Me myself read a lot of review, asking optometrist, asking my lecturers (opthalmologist but yeahh they against contact lens), and watching the youtube about how to wear and take out the lens. So, I want to share how I take care of my lenses: IT'S...