
Malam ni a bit emosional haha...I don't know why maybe hormonal problem.. Sometimes kita tak boleh simply judge people without knowing who they really are..I'm so tensed with somene who always think that they are more pious,more perfect more in any aspects (sigh)...

Actually tak payah la rasa diri kita baik sangat sebab everybody is not perfect..Apa pun salah orang tu macam mana jahat sangat pun just biarkan je..try to be forgiving towards other people mistake..past is past right? seriously i'm sick of this kind of people..

Tapi memang betul nak terima kesalahan orang memang susah tapi bagi peluang pada diri dia nak berubah dan diri kita nak terima dia..just like give and take..

So malam ni my emosional post..(feeling sorry but this is me who love to express feeling through writing or whatsapp'ing' with my BFF (aliah,Haifaa and Wani) or just crying and sleep with my tears-never cry in front of people including my family)


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