my last post was last year on November. Oh my gosh not updating this blog for a very longggg period. Basically nothing special to tell or discuss here. As a summary, I had been working as clinic assistant for 5 months and a lot of drama happen and I learnt many things along the way. For you fresh graduates, I advised all of you to get experience by finding a part time job. Trust me it will change the way you think and decision making. It trained you to be more patience. I was a doctor btw waiting for housemanship Alhamdulillah but try to imagine when you worked as clinic assistant in private clinic, most people came there treated you like you were someone who don't have future. most of them think that I only studied till SPM LOL. Yup they are not wrong since there's no DR words written on my forehead. This is all a test that Allah gave me to test my ego, my sincerity, my humbleness, my kindness and not to be so proud with my achievement because this is all the beginning. We a...
Rain Rain Rain. The weather was gloomy this month. Same goes to my heart. I was lacking in everything. My self confidence, motivation, spiritual and love ( except love from Allah and family). Counting down how many days till pro exam part 1 made me restless but the thought of giving up from exam also came into my mind simultaneously. Before this I'm strong enough to fight everything including heartbroken things but not for this year. My final year as a medical student. I was so fragile lately. Even slight stress can made my mood straight forward became under the weather. I felt demotivated and not study so hard. I tend to scroll everything in the Instagram, Tweeter and Facebook instead of studying. I tend to watch movies instead of counting how many days till pro exam or counting how many important topics that I already covered or counting how many questions that I already done throughout this final year. Thinking about it made me realise something. I think ...
coffee I don't know why today was my weak,non-energetic and lazy day..So non-productive day...(sigh..) So I need coffee as a booster for me to do many things since I supposed to go to Manjung this weekend..I really don't have any spirit to go there because of....( girl's problem ) So my to-do-list order for today: 1)printing BMJ certificate,notes,timetable....(printing everything) 2)Ironing all my clothes (i'm so lazy when it comes to iron but I have to zzzz) 3)packing all things (food,skincare *,lab coats,scrub,books,etc) *why skincare???My mum always remind me to not forget my cleanser,toner and moisturizer..Always...She thought this is very very very important than other things haha p/s:So i need to start packing now...thanks to coffee I got my booster already..!! bye!!
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