Raya 2015

The sad thing is no picture of us this raya..We were rushing to Solat hari raya that morning and went back to kampung (both sides)..This was an advantages for us because my parents never fighting for who's kampung first and everything during raya hehe...

I feel grateful because my family including my maternal grandparents are not someone who are very clingy and cerewet..They did not care whether this raya their children wanted to spend first raya at in law's and everything..They understand really well..It will be easy for me too in the future..Not because of in laws and everything but HOSPITAL!! I may not have holiday because of ONCALL...

But it's okay..don't think about it yet..2 more years to go..sigh..But I never regret because this is my choice..:)

All sedara mara will gather at my house on 2nd Syawal..ibu will cook macam-macam and I will eat a lot..That's why I became chubby..

and raya kali ni soalan cepu emas yang tak suka nak dengar start la datang..

makcik: bila nak kawen ni?
me: senyum


Ibu:jemput la datang rumah
makcik: takpe kami datang time kenduri kawen..
ibu: ala lambat lagi...
makcik: ala takkan la takde doctor mestila ada orang nak..
me: senyumm

Memang aku senyum jela tapi dalam hati..haha
relax makcik nanti kalau ada saya bagi kad jemputan..hehe


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