
Showing posts from November, 2015

my diet diary

Don't be so excited to read this post because i'm not going to share my SUCCESSFUL diet...Actually, I can't stand it anymore..Only last for 3 days...So now I redha with my chubby face and my weight was nearly overweight.. The most annoying problem with me is I can't live without nasi...I must eat rice once a day either lunch or dinner..I also can't make the amount lesser like people said only eat nasi as equal as your fist. Can you see my fist??? I never eat nasi at that amount...NEVER..I only can do jogging but unfortunately the weather nowadays was so 'nice'. The rain always envy with my effort and rather than jog every evening, I sleep soundlessly on my bed. So, now I will share the apps that I used throughout my diet journey and I had fun with these apps. First.... I download my Fitness Pal. This apps can calculate your daily calories. You can record whatever you eat at breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You also can scan the barcode and t...

The best

Whenever you feel sad, you will find someone who you can express your feeling and share your problem. But all people are same, they will have something like envy,bad feeling and also maybe not sincere to give you advice at all. These people are not bad but they didn't feel the problem that we faced. So, as a conclusion, I have the solution..yeahhh hihi My mentor told us to tell every single problem to your parent because they may not be jealous with you and wanted the best for you. So, my second solution is remember Allah. Praying is the best solution ever because Allah knows everything and they know the exact reason behind it. For now, i stick to this solution and I felt calm and I believed Allah knows the best. -Jannahamidon-

one less problem without you~

less one problem without you~ What you guys do when people talk bad things about you?? 1. Crying 2. We  have to accept it no matter what and at the same time ignore it because they don't know the exact problem that we faced. 3. Learning to accept other people opinion or advise. But it's hard for me because i'm the type of person who will think about it first and only me can make decision about myself and thinking thoroughly whether it was wrong or right. Sometimes, when I felt so angry or depressed or whatever it is my friends and family also couldn't help with it. But I appreciate their advise and thank you for giving me some time to think about it properly. 4. In our life, we can't run away from other people expectatio and we also judge people sometimes~ 5. Life to the fullest, move on and start a new life..Be a better person...Prove to everyone that you are strong..Think about your future and how to achieve your goals..and don't forget Allah is always...

All in black

As usual my friday is jubah or dress day...haha no lah just me created that things because if you come to my uni all students or staffs and also lecturers are wearing jubah especially the black one.. Actually i hate black because it's like colour for mourning...sorry people out there who love's just me who have this problem, so don't worry hehe..But today I wear black jubah because I have viva test (like berkabung for viva)...I have to mention that there is a test which we called it viva because someone thought viva is a car..yes it's correct but it's not what I mean.. I feel so nervous because truthfully I have not study so much and not so confident with my case...Thank you for my senior because she helped me so much and coincidentally we got same supervisor and same topic to be presented... As I enter the small room, I feel like what ever happen I must finish these today, just keep calm and try my best..So, I start present my case..I can see her lo...