All in black

As usual my friday is jubah or dress day...haha no lah just me created that things because if you come to my uni all students or staffs and also lecturers are wearing jubah especially the black one..

Actually i hate black because it's like colour for mourning...sorry people out there who love's just me who have this problem, so don't worry hehe..But today I wear black jubah because I have viva test (like berkabung for viva)...I have to mention that there is a test which we called it viva because someone thought viva is a car..yes it's correct but it's not what I mean..

I feel so nervous because truthfully I have not study so much and not so confident with my case...Thank you for my senior because she helped me so much and coincidentally we got same supervisor and same topic to be presented...

As I enter the small room, I feel like what ever happen I must finish these today, just keep calm and try my best..So, I start present my case..I can see her looking at me weirdly...It's okay just continue Jannah and just accept what ever comment from her..

After finish...

She said "well done, very good presentation..And it's like year 5 punye presentation...How you figure it out??"

me: err thank you dr..I just rule out my differential diagnosis..(dalam hati aku rasa macam present macam biasa je..)

"It's okay good2..okay dah kot.."

She write the marks in my log book and then finish...

I still can't believe it guys..But maybe because of the prayer from my family..Alhamdulillah...So, don't forget to call or informed your parents about the exam or even small test that you will take on that day..Inshaa Allah, Allah will ease everything

After that, I start packaging my things and go back to my hometown..Short holiday for me but a lot of happiness..weeee~~~


Dr Jannahamidon



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