telescope vs stethoscope
Everybody made mistake and sometime the mistake was very funny especially this one..
A: Awak nak gambar awak dengan telescope?
B: Ha?? telescope.. (and then B was wondering..She thought she did not have any picture with telescope)..kenapa nak gambar dengan telescope?
A: Saja nak tengok sebab awak jarang tunjuk gamba awak kat hospital..
B: ohhh laaa bukan telescope awak stethoscope!!
A: ohh sory la tak ingat nama benda tuuu...
Yang B ni memang tak boleh tahan gelak laa..tapi dia still kasi la satu gambar taknak bagi kecik hati kann..Sebaik conversation ni dalam whatsapp so A tu memang tak tau laa yang B gelakkan dia..Tapi sebenarnya cute la jugak...
P/s: So even ambik aerospace engineering pun ambik tau la sikit pasal stethoscope ok! hihi
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