Mr soulmate..

I miss my parents lately because of one issue happen in my life. Nothing important to mention the problem here because it was me who have insecure problem but thanks to that 'someone'. I felt calm already.

I called my mother yesterday and her voice sound happy and I know she's okay and healthy. I really worried if the same problem happen into my life again. I don't want any of my family member got sick without telling me anything. Fobia sikit kat situ.

Ibu: Anje buat apa sihat?

Me: Sihat je ibu dengan ayah sihat ke?

Ibu: sihat je semua sikit lagi ayah nak ajak keluar. Nak beli hadiah untuk ibu la tu. Agaknyalah ibu tak tuntut lagi hadiah birthday.

Me: Yelatuuuu haha

My father was not a person who always showing his 'romantic' or 'caring' in front of people but I know he loves my mother so much. My mother was like a typical mother in this world. Always nagging, not patient, and garang if we did something that she didn't like. So, my father was very patient and calm. They lived happily for 24 years. (their annivessary is on 10th April). I can't believe it's already 24 years they are sharing about anything together.

I was asking myself whether I can do the same thing with my future partner. Can I finally meet my soulmate?? Is he patient like my father? (this one is important because I was 'anak manja ibu' and of course I inherited her attitude...*flip hair). Am I marry to someone who can appreciate everything that i'm trying to do? Am I marry to someone who are not bored with my silly talk and unadventurous side of me?  I hope for something good this time. Inshaa Allah.

Keep pray and have faith in Allah. I believe that.




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