medical student syndrome

Feeling fresh after taking shower for about 20 minutes, put on necessary things on my face and lotion on my hands (feeling cerita korea). So, I'm ready to start my new post since I didn't post anything for about a month. 

I remember when I still a first year meds student (budak hingusan and selekeh), one of my lecturer told us that some students definitely have a medical student syndrome which is unconsciously having paranoid about themselves. For example, they feel like they got GERD with all the burning sensation and other related symptoms that they experienced. But the amazing thing about it is all the symptoms gone after the posting finish.


I think I have that syndrome for almost all the posting throughout my clinical years. Let's start with first posting which is internal medicine. Actually my first posting should be community medicine but I didn't want to admit it. So back to the story. I got fever and cough. I really thought I got Tuberculosis because I cough for about more than 4 weeks but I don't have haemoptysis (coughing with blood), night sweats, LOA and LOW. Alhamdulillah but still I went for chest X-ray after that and it came out normal. 

Second posting was surgery and I got burning sensation at night. I thought I had GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It was possible for me to get this symptom because I don't know why my favourite food at that time was bihun goreng tomyam. I ate it a lot and almost everyday for my dinner (konon nak kurus jugak la sebab malam tak nak makan nasi). So maybe the food was spicy and I ate it during dinner and then 3-4 hours after that I went to sleep. So the GERD really disturbed my sleep.

Another posting was OnG. I skipped my period for one month. But this posting was so stressful and I got 'stressful' and 'scary' supervisor for my case write up and unfortunately my end of posting examination which I failed. But Alhamduillah the overall result was not bad. I'm not kidding I pray a lot to Allah and crying almost every night (okay yang no 2 tipu haha). All my friends made a joke eii Jannah ada amenorrhea. They were just joking because amenorrhea is absent of period for 3 months at least. 


Latest posting is orthopaedic. I don't know why I got backache almost everynight. I already overthink of some diagnosis like PID ( prolapsed intervertebral disease), scoliosis, inflammatory disease, tumour and bla bla. I hope not nauzubillah. Backache please go after this posting finish. Give my life back please so that I can sleep well. 




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