got the nerves

Today is Friday but my mood ke laut dah. I can't focus to study anymore. Tomorrow is going to be 100 days more for pro exam 1. I got the nerves already. I really stress right now. Many things have to remember and understand. Why must exam exist in this world? Can I be a doctor without going through all these exam things??

I listed all the posting/subjects that I have to cover for pro exam
1. Internal medicine
2. Paediatric
3. Orthopaedic
4. Obstetric and gynaecology
5. Surgery
6. Emergency Medicine and Psychiatry

I cry a river guys I'm not kidding. One of my lecturers told us final year is like a marathon. You already tired and easily to give up when it comes to the word 'final'. Yes, that is what I feel right now. Can I be a housewife instead of doctor??? Just lepak goyang kaki and take care of children HAHAHA. Daydreaming is my hobby all the time.

Okay get back to reality Jannah. Nothing easy in this world. Breath in and out and let's face this exam once. No repeat paper please. You can do it.



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