
Almost one month berhabuk blog ni. Ohh now puchong had heavy rain with thunderstorm (a bit scary) but I'm still here writing and updating the blog. 2017 such a fresh new year for me to be a new Jannah. Sometimes we have to forget the past and move on right? Easy to say but difficult to do that. Trust me, it's difficult and need a lot of effort. I've been through that phase. 

I was in nervous-not-so-nervous mood because my professional exam part 1 is coming in less than a month. 26 days more to go. I'm trying to be calm and study hard and smart until the day of exam. Trying to act cool outside but inside I'm dying. I tend to keep silent whenever I feel stress. We can do it. Just keep praying. My mentor said that we can't remember everything actually but we can pray to Allah so that He will ease everything and we remember the important things that will come out during exam. 

How about my life? still single as always bahaha. But I'm happy right now. Like really really happy. I believe in Allah's plan. Keep praying. Don't be judgemental okay. I don't understand why some people really love to judge someone who's in relationship like' kapel tu bukan elok pun' ' berkepit je keje kawen jela'. It's funny actually because all these people yang suka cakap macam ni selalunya tak pernah in relationship or cakap baiknya tak pernah experience. 

My opinion, setiap orang ujiannya lain. People will change following the situation. We don't know that girl or boy (Don't want to be biased) is trying to save the relationship. They're trying to beralah with their partners and that's why they change. Nasib orang lain-lain. Kalau boleh bertahan sampai kawen tu alhamdulillah. Kalau sebaliknya rasa macam useless and bodoh la dengan semua effort yang kita buat. 

All in all, try not to simply judge people. They have their reason. We don't know what test which Allah wants us to face in the future. 

p/s: orang macam ni dia kena dulu baru faham. Kalau tak takkan sedar :p



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