Don't touch your face!

I got allergic reaction all over my face. It turned to be itchy, redness and swollen. I tried so Cetaphil which is good for sensitive skin (and expensive too *sigh). but it didn't work for my skin. *ketegaq sungguh. My skin turned dry and peeling off which I felt so uncomfortable. So, I changed to neutrogena pure mild cleanser after that.

Alhamdulillah it suited my skin but the problem was it dried my skin especially at the acne part. It was good because it cleared my face from acne but the dryness and itchiness affect my life. I tend to scratch and touched my face often. When your skin is dry, you'll get itchiness. You tend to scratch it and your skin will got infected since our skin is full of bacteria.

So, that's what happen to me. I tried to bear it and I could not stand the itchiness anymore. I decided to go to skin clinic which I had been visited before this because of same problem. (degil tukar2 produk). Unfortunately, the doctor in charged was on leave and I have to go back to Puchong this week. Sadis sungguh.

I remembered the clinics where I attached for my GP attachment. I end up went there and asked for her advise. She gave me two medicines to soothe my allergic reaction. She told me to continue my cleanser and moisturizer from neutrogena. And her last advise made me remembered DR H, one of my fammed lecturers so much. "DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE' hahahaha..

Okay, I'll try it. 'the emoticon with rolled up eyeball'. It's difficult to not touch or picit your jerawat okay!. But for the sake of beautiful, supple and flawless skin, I will do it!!




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