I love neutrogena

If you read my previous post, you know that I had a tragic, past history where I got allergic reaction because of this skincare. I don't want to mention it but it was Malay skincare. I do not understand why some people tend to lie to their customers about the cosmetic products that they sell to others.

But it's okay. I learnt the lesson. So, I want to share what kind of skincare which I choose to fight my allergic reaction. Now I go for neutrogena. There are some recommendation that I survey through internet which are suit sensitive skin like Simple skincare, cetaphil and neutrogena. These are the reasonable skincare which I find suitable for student like me. If you got extra money you can go for Aesthetic clinic and get a consult from a doctor and they will suggest the right treatment for you.

Unfortunately, the dermatologist who treated me a few years ago was on holiday. Frust betullll. So, I go for GP. She prescribed me with two types of antihistamine and advice me to not touch my face! And now Alhamdulillah everything are well.

So, my routine now:


1. Deep clean cleanser from neutrogena. I used the gel one.
2. Alcohol-free toner Neutrogena.
3. Oil-free moisturizer
4. Sunblock from neutrogena. Cover UVA and UVB.

During recovery phase, I did not put any powder. Just these 4 items and lipbalm. Feel a little awkward for the first time but it slowly getting better.


1. Deep clean cleanser Neutrogena
2. Palmers cocoa butter formula with vitamin E, skin therapy oil.

This oil come with scar serum but I have not buy it because it's too expensive. I go for "biar lambat asal selamat'. haha. One more tips is do not wash your face with cleanser more than 2 times in a day. Your skin will get dry and prone to have more acne. Sometimes the natural oil from our skin itself enough already to protect our skin. But, if you feel that it's too oily, you can wash with water. I tried it already and managed to get rid of my habit of cleansing my face frequently before.

Ohh I forgot about the other skincare. I tried Simple skincare before. But it soo simple and did not made any different to my skin HAHA. But I think this product suitable for someone who do not have any problem with acne or not too sensitive. I mean someone who go for natural product. It's not suitable to my skin because I have combination skin acne plus sensitive.

For cetaphil, I love it but it made my skin dry. But my brother try it and his skin flawless now. This product is well known for sensitive skin. Only my skin can't tolerate it. So my top 3 products that I suggest to you guys are Cetaphil, Neutrogena, and Simple skincare.




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