end of holy month

my last post was last year on November. Oh my gosh not updating this blog for a very longggg period. Basically nothing special to tell or discuss here. As a summary, I had been working as clinic assistant for 5 months and a lot of drama happen and I learnt many things along the way. For you fresh graduates, I advised all of you to get experience by finding a part time job. Trust me it will change the way you think and decision making. It trained you to be more patience. I was a doctor btw waiting for housemanship Alhamdulillah but try to imagine when you worked as clinic assistant in private clinic, most people came there treated you like you were someone who don't have future. most of them think that I only studied till SPM LOL.

Yup they are not wrong since there's no DR words written on my forehead. This is all a test that Allah gave me to test my ego, my sincerity, my humbleness, my kindness and not to be so proud with my achievement because this is all the beginning. We all are same. (hamba Allah). To be honest I'm not okay with my ibadah during this holy month. I didn't manage to khatam quran, I skipped some terawih which I regretted when I saw many celebrity took this holy month so seriously. I tend to be jelous with someone who manage to do their ibadah during this holy month.

This month was a busy month for me to settle many things. I have to completed my e houseman and it was a total disaster and nerve-wrecking moment after my final year mbbs exams! Alhamdulillah I manage to get HRPB which was nearer to my house and most important was my parents as they are my strongest supporter after Haris. Sorry Haris I will go to Kelantan after HO okay! hehe. Jadi oghe klate pulok. I have to puasa nazar for one day because I got HRPB.

I gave all of you some tips to successfully got everything that you wish for. It simple just bernazar. For me I always bernazar puasa because it is the easiest way. Alhamdulillah I always get what I want so far. And don't forget to pray with all your heart. I have to settle many documents untuk masuk kerja fuh it is so stress man but alhamdulillah done everything. I improved my cooking skills too since I got many pengkritik at home and I love it when someone try to tegur me.

and now I got less than a week to prepare my knowledge a little bit for my housemanship. huhu. Baru ada mood nak study. biasa la last minit haha. So, Selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin everyone!


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