
Showing posts from 2014

My wishes..

10 minutes to 12 o’clock..Miss Pinky bersenang lenang duduk atas katil dengan perut yang kenyang hehe sambil blogging…So I want to share my happy new year wishes for 2015.. So my wishes… 1. I want to be good muslimah 2. I want to be fashionable but still remain the modesty because I love simple things but look attractive. 3. I want to study hard..maybe try to achieve dean list for this year and also upcoming year 4. I want to be single for now..(focus study first hehe) 5. I wish to be a physician 8 years from now 6. Jaga solat jaga hubungan dengan Allah dan juga hubungan sesame manusia. 7. Don’t study last minute 8. study hard and study smart 9. learn how to save money..(think twice before buying something) 10. improve my english (reading english novel) 11. Stay with Kaylena Beaute no other product 12. Read and understand kalamullah al-Quran I hope I can achieve all my wishes..I think this year may be blessed by Allah

lazy day

still in my selimut It was a lazy day for me today..woke up at 9 and then breakfast and the blogging and then korean drama of course..hehe So it's time for me to bath first,solat and cooking..i really love cooking if i had time to do let's check it out what recipe that i want to share with you guys!

scrubbing my face

The title seem rough right..btw i just to review 2 of my favourite products for my face scrub and mask...I am eager to make sure my face got treatment every week..I'm so busy since i'm a med student so every Friday i will do the scrubbing and mask and also blackhead (this is what i hate the most in my life)..People with fair skin are most likely to get blackhead easily..It was so true because i had the same problem on my face,,,So i will share with all of you about my face scrub.. my face scrub Clinelle Why i choose this product because of no artificial colour and no artificial fragrances because i prefer product which use natural ingredients compared to artificial one..of course it was very difficult to find products which contain 100% natural remedy but at least we try to find product with less chemical..Futhermore, i have combination skin type so i need to be careful with the products that i want to use. Okay next was the 'rules' that we must follow...cewah ...

last day of 2014

Sedar tak sedar dah akhir tahun 2014..Miss Pinky semakin tua hehe but hati muda ok..(forever young)..Banyak sangat azam tahun baru yang dah difikirkan tapi belum ditulis dalam planner..hehehe Btw,act sebenarnya nak share satu video from youtube pasal how to make the planner cute..planner yang dia buat totally cute yang amat..rasa nak buat je tapi takde kerajinan and passion yang tinggi nak buat..i'm not so creative let's see the video first.. cute isn't?tapi nak buat tu memang malas sangat sebab kena pegi stationery store first to borong all that cute things..Maybe some day i will try because sometimes kita akan semangat dengan benda yang colourful..So let's start new year with colourful story of your post maybe nak citer pasal my wishes for 2015..let's check it out..

20 facts about me

Walaupun post ni agak outdated...tapi takpela asalkan tulis je ape yang kita nak buatkan... This is the latest picture of me for 2014..because im not photogenic type so I rarely take my picture.. so let's see how interesting my facts are *sarcasm 1.I am a daughter of Encik Hamidon and Puan Hidayah 'HH' 2.I am the eldest from only 2 siblings 3.My motto was Beauty with Brain..but im not beautiful just my motto to give spirit to myself 4.My idol was Lisa Surihani..I dont know why but i like her very much..(maybe we are sharing the same motto) 5.A Dr-to-be in 3 years from now Inshaa Allah 6.Single as for now not interested with anybody yet...(focus study dulu cewah) 7.Love pink so much..Almost all my stuff are pink in colour.. 8.Love Barbie so much although now i already 21..(download all Barbie movies) 9.I hate binatang yang takde bulu especially insects and reptiles lover.. 11.suka makanan melayu..I hate western but sometimes I forced myself to eat ...

yummy yummy

Rasa macam best sangat lepas dua bulan boleh balik rumah sebab baru habis posting internal medicine..What is Internal Medicine????? bagi yang medic tu maybe tau tapi its okay maybe next post akan citer pasal bende tu..apa yang Miss Pinky nak citer hari ni mestila pasal makanan...of course dimasak oleh ibu yang terchenta..Nasi Arab in da house everyone!!!1 sangat sangat sangat sedap tak terkata..yang buat Miss Pinky amaze sebab ni first time ibu masak nasi arab...kalau duduk rumah memang takde bende lain dah melainkan menggemukkan badan.. kasi gamba yang besar sikt  actually yang sebelah kanan tu miss pinky lupa nama dia sbb tak ingat ibu cakap ape

get started!!!

i just finish decorating my blog..actually not finish yet...i'm new in many things need to be learned..