The title seem rough right..btw i just to review 2 of my favourite products for my face scrub and mask...I am eager to make sure my face got treatment every week..I'm so busy since i'm a med student so every Friday i will do the scrubbing and mask and also blackhead (this is what i hate the most in my life)..People with fair skin are most likely to get blackhead easily..It was so true because i had the same problem on my face,,,So i will share with all of you about my face scrub..
my face scrub Clinelle |
Why i choose this product because of no artificial colour and no artificial fragrances because i prefer product which use natural ingredients compared to artificial one..of course it was very difficult to find products which contain 100% natural remedy but at least we try to find product with less chemical..Futhermore, i have combination skin type so i need to be careful with the products that i want to use.
Okay next was the 'rules' that we must follow...cewah ayat tak boleh bla padahal sukati la nak buat macam mana pun...But my rules was after scrub i will put mask to soothe the skin..But if you use clinelle, you dont have to worry because it contain aloe vera to soothe your skin..
pore care pack from the faceshop
this mask from faceshop..i always use this mask after scrub..It helps to soothe skin and refine the pores also..i really like this mask and i also use the pore stripe from faceshop..It helps to remove all my blackhead....
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