20 facts about me

Walaupun post ni agak outdated...tapi takpela asalkan tulis je ape yang kita nak buatkan...

This is the latest picture of me for 2014..because im not photogenic type so I rarely take my picture..

so let's see how interesting my facts are *sarcasm

1.I am a daughter of Encik Hamidon and Puan Hidayah 'HH'
2.I am the eldest from only 2 siblings
3.My motto was Beauty with Brain..but im not beautiful just my motto to give spirit to myself
4.My idol was Lisa Surihani..I dont know why but i like her very much..(maybe we are sharing the same motto)
5.A Dr-to-be in 3 years from now Inshaa Allah
6.Single as for now not interested with anybody yet...(focus study dulu cewah)
7.Love pink so much..Almost all my stuff are pink in colour..
8.Love Barbie so much although now i already 21..(download all Barbie movies)
9.I hate binatang yang takde bulu especially insects and reptiles
10.cat lover..
11.suka makanan melayu..I hate western but sometimes I forced myself to eat it
12.I'm the one who are friendly to others especially girl
13.But I'm type of girl yang susah nak mesra dengan lelaki..(maybe i'm from girls school..i dont know)
14.I have a lot of dream; skincare:SKII  make up:MAC  honeymoon places:Turki,Italy,Europe
15.Sanggup berhabis duit untuk jaga muka daripada shopping baju
16.tegas dan garang tapi bertempat
17.Suka tengok korean drama tapi sekarang try tgok yang ade medical-related
18.My ambition for now, I want to be physician (because I admired my lecturers so much
19.more girl crush compare to boy crush
20.The last one was still trying to be good muslimah



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