
I told you guys that I wanted to lose weight and my tembam face right??Tapi sedih sebab my weight still 45 Kg...Tak bergerak langsung tak turun and tak naik..(of course I don't want it to be increased..sigh)....

Ohh I forgot to tell you my blood donation story..Yang ni memang sadis..I took almost 5 years to gain weight up to 45 kg.I know its weird because almost girls want to lose their weight...My reason???because I want to donate blood..Can you see how kind I am (muntah dengar hehe..just kidding)

Finally I reached the target..and then I completed the form..One thing I hate the most was when my finger are getting pricked by the needles..But believe me It's painless..The nurses just want to check my Hb (hemoglobin)...She asked me..

Nurse: Adik berat berapa meh timbang dulu

My weight was 45 kg..fuhh lepas...Tapi my Hb 10.3 so can't donate laaa

Nurse: Dik tak boleh ni Hb awak cukup2 untuk awak je tak cukup nak bagi orang lain


I frust!!!

Tapi maybe I  have to do further test because my mother had thalassemia minor..So kena la check..the probability is still there...


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