good luck to me

Dah sampai Manjung macam biasa...sekali ni je nak datang awal nanti jangan harap la balik mesti nak dekat maghrib baru smpai sini...

yup here I have to manage my time well..I have to study for ong..Even 2 days weekend at home made me forget all things about ong (ok tipu)..I have to prepare for the worst especially for my cwu with Prof H...Ya Allah please soften his heart...Dapat borderline pun dah bersyukur...

I told my mother about him yesterday...

me: Ibu, anje takut la cwu..lecturer tu failkan orang je kje jarang dapat lulus

ibu:takpe try la buat..mana tau lulus..cuba buat ikut apa yang dia nak

me: ...... okayyy

that's my mother..Jangan harap la dia nak sebelahkan aku..cikgu ke lecturer jugak yang betul hehe


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