last but not least

I feel that i'm not blogging anything for quiet some time. Family medicine was so hectic..i'm not kidding you guys. This was my second time that I feel useless throughout the posting after O&G. Thanks to Allah we had GP attachment and we got a chance to choose our own private clinic. Guess what?? of course I choose clinic in Ipoh. (kalau boleh nak pilih yang jalan kaki je dari rumah pegi klinik).

So, I enjoyed my attachment very well and Alhamdulillah my GP was so kind but don't have many patient. Actually we must pray that all people was in good health but I became evil to see many people got sick for the purpose of my presentation..haha it was really bad..jangan Jannah tak baik..

I got one week holiday guys and I wish I want to study and cover so many things since I feel so useless during percepting session. It was really bad, i'm not kidding. But all the wishes ke laut..I only enjoying myself at the GP. Going to the mall just to eat ice cream or buying cool blog. The weather was so hot now. I need ice cream now! no no jangan Jannah, drink  a lot of water (doctor mode on). The worst was I eat a lot and my face became chubby. Thanks to nasi!!

So tomorrow was my last day at home. My last day on my favourite bed. My last day cuddling with my cat. My last day seeing that guy. Inshaa Allah will coming back for next holiday. isk isk..belum pape dah homesick.. Lemah jannah lemah..lembik dari dulu lagi..

thats all from me,



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