bawal or shawl?

I personally don't have specific tudung which I love the most. As long as i'm comfortable, I'll go with it. Bawal or shawl? The pros and cons.

For me, bawal scarf always win in all aspect. Orang melayu kata tak luntur ditelan zaman. (cewahhh tapi BM Iols masa SPM tak dapat A+ pun). I still have tudung bawal with the manik and sulam one. It's so expensive and sayang nak buang and it contains classic elements too which I like to keep it and let the other generation know the trend in our tradition. I often wear it because it's so jarang and pendek. For now, I really love aidijuma bawal scarf design.

I really adore datin norjuma and that's why I started buying the first batch of aidijuma punya collection masa tu. Kebetulan aidijuma memang dekat je dengan rumah. Kalau dulu aidijuma boleh kata agak mahal sebab semuanya range harga RM 30-RM 60 for black label. And then dorang start keluarkan different label and different prices. Ada green label, blue label and white label. Semua label ni berbeza la harga dia.

In terms of exclusive ke tak maybe ada setengah orang akan rasa bawal aidijuma ni ramai je yang pakai corak sama. For me tak kisah asalkan aidijuma cuma kalau terjumpa tu memang agak awkward la tapi buat biasa jela haha.Aidijuma sekarang ada jual tudung yang plain tapi still ada manik sikit-sikit which is so simple but attractive. I really like that design.

Okay kalau shawl nampak la orang yang pakai tu berani and confident level tinggi and maybe fashionable. I like to wear shawl but only the plain one and chiffon or wideshawl. Advantage shawl tak payah iron and boleh buat gaya macam-macam.



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