It's normal

Let's start a new so called normal life. This is random post by me who's currently stress with Mr Exam. I want to talk about normal. Being a normal person is not that simple. We always influenced by others. We always want to be better than others without knowing ourselves better, our abilities, our limitations, our weaknesses.

Let's talk about NORMAL. It's normal to have pimple in teen age. It's normal to have a burnt skin because of the sports. It's normal to be a chubby girl  but don't over-chubby okay. It's normal to date people. It's normal to get heartbroken. It's normal to admire someone. It's normal to be over-sensitive on something but remember try to be calm and think the positive side of it. Don't be too emotional with it unless it will ruins your life and relationship with others. It's normal to get angry on something but make sure think before you talk.

So, this is the end of my so called annoying 'It's normal' post. Pray for me for my upcoming exam. Ya Allah please bring my focus back. Alhamdulillah I feel calm studying at home accompanied by my lazy fatty fatty cat named cinonit. My routine eat-study-watching Greys anatomy-eat-study-sleep-household chores.

I really need something to do in between my study. if not I will sleep for 2 hours maximum. That's why I want to study at home. I feel lazy to go back to Cyber. I'm willing to stay at home and do all the household chores. Ibu will proud of her daughter ( i hope so). Dah boleh kawen (Ayat cliche and I feel like I want to vomit now). No kidding. I'm not anti-marriage people. Sape taknak kawen!!



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