stick to the one

I'm not a patient person when it comes to skincare. Unfortunately I also have skin problem which is really annoying for me to choose the best skincare for my skin. I tried many things and the result was unsatisfactory. Untill I found kaylena beauty by Leuniey Natasha and this skincare change my life cewah..

It contain rosehip oil which is very suitable and made my skin look better. But the effects are slow and depends on our hormone and skin type. I like the slow effect and the most important is natural skincare.

I used it almost a year and my skin feel better and better and then I started to change to another skincare. (tula menggatal tukar2 mentang2 dah okay).

The result was terrible. The acne came back. Well done! So I decided to try a korean skincare (let it be secret) but nothing change. frust iols!


Because of that today I bought a new set of kaylena beauty including its mask. Alhamdulillah there was COD in Ipoh, so no need to wait for the postage.

so, the lesson is stick to the one only! please be patient too to get the best result..Don't be like me guys haha




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