being a doctor

Being a doctor is not something as easy as people talk. Yes doctor is a noble profession but it is not to the extend that you have to be proud of it. It's about saving a life. It doesn't matter you graduate from public or private university because at the end you will become someone who gonna save other people life.

The journey to become a doctor also full of many obstacles especially emotionally and mentally. When all your friends already celebrating their graduation day and all the wedding invitation keep coming to you, that is the time you will feel down. That is the time you have to find your strength especially your family and friends.

We have to proud to be a muslim because we have the almighty Allah. When we feel down, we will go back to our Creator. Allah knows everything.

Lastly, you have to ignore all the negative talk that you heard from everyone. It's cliche people will talk:

'You're a doctor?for sure you don't have time to find a future husband'

'doctor??no life babe. Good luck!'

'doctor??You will become andartu'

'doctor??you're a woman,wife and mother. No need to be a specialist. So busy. You don't have enough time to spend with your family.'

'Your really want to be a doctor??if it was me, i will prefer other profession' ( but he/she already became a medical officer. Why you want to make other people down ayooo)

so,the conclusion is let's do something that we as a muslim have to do. Pray a lot. Allah knows everything. Have faith. Not all the negative talk are wrong. It's actually opinions from their experiences. we have to respect them but don't let things like that affected you.




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