cooking time

Cooking time with ibu be like everything have to be perfect. The length must be equal and not too thick! Whenever I asked her why this and why that, she will say your cooking technique resemble your attitude. If all the veges look too thick, it means that 'perempuan tu kasar'.

Okay la made sense jugak la. haha. I'm not feeling stress anymore because I had been trained since 13 years old. I remembered my first time entering the kitchen, ibu asked me to peel off onion which is soooo manyyyyy. My eyes  teared up sabar jela time tu haha. I love cooking maybe inherited from my mother but still a lot to be improved. A long way to go.

Is it compulsory if all women out there have cooking skills?? for my personal opinion it's not necessary at all. I mean not to be too perfect because we are not live in the era which all women are staying in the house and do all the house chores. We got other responsibilities too. We have work and family. We have to be balanced.

For me, Islam taught us to seek for knowledge (compulsory okay) regardless of gender. As long as we women know our responsibility especially after marriage. Men can't ask for more because your wife is not a maid who has to do all the house chores. Our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W also helped his wives. We have to take examples from our prophet or in islamic way of thinking it is called sunnah. (There are so many sunnah dude, not only poligamy HAHA).

So, remember husband and wife are sharing their responsibilities together. This is what we call marriage. Sometimes we have to differentiate between islamic view and our culture. We have to be rationale instead of being 'pak turut'. We can't blame older generations because they lived with that kind of culture for quite so long. We as an educated and more open-minded generations have to think better than them.

p/s: I remind myself too. This is just an opinion. Salam Aidiladha from me and family.



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