The final

I am in the middle of study week right now. Obviously emotion not stable like a psychiatric people. Sometimes sad, happy, touching and you can tell all the negative feelings. I know I was stress when I eat a lot, but not gaining weight, my sleep hours become lesser than usual and all the symptoms of caffeine starts to come (palpitation, can't concentrate, nausea, and diarrhea).

I decided to go back home this Friday. It was so random. I feel stress and the only stress reliever that can relieve my stress is my hometown plus family plus my cinonit. I asked permission from ibu. She seem reluctant to give the permission but at the same time wants me to not has hard feelings about my decision. Ibu said okay. As usual she said if you can study at home okay la.

Yes, of course I can! I have to btw. I already think semasak masaknya and I think I can do it. Pass or not is all Allah's plan. But I can change it with prayer, hard work, sincerity in learning and have faith. No matter where you study as long as you can focus inshaa Allah. For me my supporter is always always my family. My home environment triggers me to study and less stress.

So, I plan to ask my adik and my cinonit to be my simulated patients HAHA. Cinonit is a cat! tak kira nak jugak haha.

please pray for my success for the upcoming examination. This is the last exam that I will go through as a medical student. Many more exam in the future. Doctor is unstoppable never ending profession unless you choose to end it. No right and no wrong. Depends on yourself. You choose, you hadap la. Otherwise, don't choose to become a doctor.


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