So many things happen. Start the year with stress because I struggled to pass my Pro Exam Part 1 and 2. So many things to do. I can tell you a lot of presentation..presentation and presentation. Extra class at night and during weekend. Fasting month plus ward work. Luckily I did my paeds rotation before fasting month because it would be in Hospital Banting for 1 week and you know how hot Banting is. Okay tak baik zaman nabi berperang masa puasa okay haha. I know someone but turn off after that. And I finally move on.

After all the not-so-fun things came the fun one. Alhamdulillah I passed my profesional exam. Alhamdulillah after my birthday, I became my new version of me. More stronger, independent, ignore what people said, move on from the past (or someone), and seek for my own happiness. And now, officially unemployed MBBS graduate with title DR in front of my name. This is just the beginning of everything. Many challenges waiting for me in the future. Many things need to be learnt along the way. That's why people changed. People learnt from mistake.

I finally understand the meaning of 'move on' and 'have faith'. I took almost 3 years to do these things. The feeling of guilty, sadness, and  hopeless made my life miserable. I knew there was 10% left inside my heart which I think, those kind of feelings will never gone. I let Allah plan my life. I just keep praying for this heart only open for someone right a.k.a Mr Right. The good things need patience. Allah teach me to be patient.

This is all random thought at 12.32AM. I need to sleep btw.

good night.


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