extremely tired

Every women experienced different things throughout their lives especially when it comes to PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Lately, to be exact after I graduated and 'tanam anggur' I always feel extremely tired before time of the month. My PMS got worsen and my mood swing became even more terrible than usual.

I started to think why I became like this?? What happen? I totally not happy with the changes happen in myself. So, I started to change my lifestyle. I realized I became so lazy, sleep a lot more than 8 hours per day, eat a lot including the famous unhealthy fast food, not eating on time (always skip breakfast) and not exercise. 

Unemployed really affect myself in a bad way somehow. So, starting today, I started to change bit by bit. Today is definitely the starter of everything. I tried not to skip my breakfast, woke up early but sleep back at 8 am till 11am. My hormone really controlled me right now. I actually eat lasagna for lunch. Tak healthy sangat la btw. But I started my zumba again and also jogging.

I felt fresh a bit compared to before. I had difficulty to sleep every night. That's why I got extremely tired during the day. I hope I change my lifestyle successfully and can sleep early tonight.


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