post convo

Everything turned normal as usual. I had a lot of free time hehe. All the brag about looking for a job was all flow into the drain. I actually had a job, just helping my aunt btw but the salary is okay and over than I expected (perk of working for your own family). I also did dropship for Basically, I'm selling bawal scarf with beads and berlian. If you interested, do follow my IG: JHijab_shawl (promote2) hehe. I'll talk about my dropship story more in the next post.

The reason why I write the post tonight is because I can't sleep. I don't know what to do either. I have so many things come in my mind. I want to be an excellent dropshipper to my team, I want to be an excellent doctor, I want to study a bit during this longggg holiday, I want to have my own money, I want to get married and allll the silly things. 

I actually waiting for my coffee. Mengada kan tak boleh tidur minum kopi lagi. But I decided to stay until subuh prayer. If not, I'm not able to wake up for prayer which is so bad for a muslim. Lately, I started my workout already. You know why? Because I wanna have a good healthy habit or lifestyle. The challenges of unemployed are so many. You'll be lazy and easily tired. You'll have a strong relationship with your bed. After three months of unemployed, I started to feel fatigue, mental breakdown (because of overthinking), mood swing, PMS got worsen and sleepy all the time. So, I starts to diet again. 

All in all, I miss my study life. I miss the smell of hospital I miss of looking-a-handsome-doctor moments, I miss my friends, I miss all the palpitation every time I have to present the cases to lecturers and I miss to study again. People will rolling their eyes if I say I miss exam. haha. I think my phobia all gone already. Inshaa Allah I wanna be a good doctor, good wife (I hope everything goes well) and will continue my study one fine day. MRCP/MRCPCH here I come. 


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