good morning from cyber

What do you do when you wake up in the morning??? (during weekend or sem break)

1. Turn off your alarm and go to sleep for a while

2. After about 2-3 hours you will wake up again and still on your bed.

3. Checking instagram and facebook,scroll down until you can't scroll anymore and maybe stalking your crush hahaha (mengaku jela takkan tak pernah buat)

4. Playing games in your phone...(what's the trending games righ now ha???)
As for me i'm a game lover too ...I played episodes,fashion designer games (berangan je mampu sebab tak reti pun berfashion),village life, and cooking fever..Honestly, I can't live without games because this is the only way to reduce my stress and of course wasting time haha...

5. Take a bath and still after tat checking your phones and replying whatsapp and so on

So now I realise how many hours that I wasted everyday especially during weekend or holiday...Will try to improve that haha (konon je memang tak la). So good morning from Cyber everyone..I miss home so much...Can't wait for this Wednesday pecut balik Perak for Raya Haji...


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