reclaim your heart

can't wait to read this and surely I will share everything that I understand here in this blog 

Life is like a wheel, there are times when you are up and sometimes you are down..Thank you to my friend because she willingly to buy this book for me..I was lucky because this book is quiet reasonable in price there compared to Malaysia..So save 50%  because of currency actually..

I really like this book to motivated me throughout my moody and stressful life..Do you believe that I usually reading some motivational quotes or books to stable back my moody or PMS-like symptoms (medical students understand this, the rest just google hehe) rather than be motivated my people..I had a difficulty to accept or digest certain type of people advise..

In my 22 years of life, I only can accept advise from my parents, grandparents. and my BFF (Al, Epa, Wani). I am a type of person who have to sit for a while and recall back what you have done today..Is it good or bad? If bad try to be more matured and try to improve myself and also don't repeat the same mistake..

btw, Tq to Fatin a.k.a superb for posting this book to my house..Jasamu dikenang cewah..

much love,



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