Alhamdulillah manage to arrive home safely yesterday without heavy traffic..But I don't know why I have to stop two RnR to get some sleep..Maybe because of driving alone and I easily got bored and sleepy..It's very dangerous guys if you still continue driving stubbornly...So I give you some tips if you are a loner like me hehe

1. Turn on your radio and sing loudly..Sometimes I sing all songs from radio including the advertisement haha...This is the best time for you to express your talent and vocal in your own way without anyone notice..No need to worry about pitching lari or not haha...

2. Eating cookies from subway..chocolate chips always be my favourite flavour..Double chocolate also delicious but it's too sweet and I feel like to vomit because of that..

3. Drink Nescafe or anything caffeinated. The nescafe latte always be my all time favourite...

Sometimes I miss the moment when I took ETS train to Ipoh..I can sleep until the last station and waiting for my parents to fetch me up home..But driving is the best for me right now hehe because you can travel anytime without restricted to certain time like when I took public transport..

So Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to everyone..

much love..

me and kucing tak dapat dipisahkan...


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