I know I will be biased but I really adore cool guys. Every people have their own definition of handsome or cool. For me???

1. Surgeon: I really admire a surgeon. They are such a cool guy and good looking especially in their OT attire ( or we called it scrub). Most of them don't like to scold people, relax, cool, charismatic, smart and handsome. 

2. Engineer: I described them, engineer=machine. HAHA. Sometime they are heartless maybe because of their coolness. (husnuzhon0 bahaha. No lahh. I like them because  some of them still have an old version of phone (Nokia). But for sure la they have another phone (android or Apple). I know it's a bit funny and weird reason. But this is me haha. If you think you own that phone even though you're not engineer, you're cool man!! Bravo..

Enough for the guy. Next move to the girls. For me only 2 girls catching my eyes because of their coolness.

1. Lisa Surihani: I adore her since school. I have to admit it that if I got a chance or superpower that can make me convert to other person, it definitely will be her. The way she talk, the way she defend herself from all the useless gossips, her dressing, and attitude. For me she's the perfect example for 'Beauty with Brain'.

2. Vivy Yusof: I adore her because she's soo fashionable. She suits everything!! She is the founder of Fashion Valet and Duckscarf. The scarf is so expensive for me but I definitely want to have it for my convocation day haha. Wait another 2 more years Miss DuckScarf, I'll buy it using my own money haha. She's ambitious woman, responsible mother and hardworking. I want to be ambitious person like her. I hope so. I hope so. I hope so. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.




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