late night post

I can't sleep tonight. Suddenly I miss my father so much. I don't know why I don't feel stress about the upcoming pro exam in 4 months from now. I fell lack of motivation and always low in mood, not study hard and not even start doing my study group tasks.

As compared to my pro exam during second year, I felt more motivated at that time. I remembered when my life turned upside down because of 4 letters called L.O.V.E. Exactly 3 years ago (I think so. Seriously I had difficulty to remember dates), I went through a relationship problem like other girls. (maybe not all)

Like 5 or 6 months before my pro exam. I frustrated, cried a lot, regret, and lack of motivation to study. Until one day, I remembered ayah asked me personally and that time ibu went to the bank. It was so random. He asked me about that 'problem'. He was curious because at first I only told my mother about what happen. Sure ibu told ayah after that.

I was like trying to be cool. I want to let him know that his daughter is strong and cool. Not even crying over a boy. I said it's over. Ayah said 'it's okay you got a lot of time. You're young. Don't waste your time over something like this'.

I was trying hard to control my tears. Seriously that night I cried a river. Ayah made me realised that I had to be strong enough to face many things. I was too young at that time 20 years old. he made me think of my priority at that time was my exam and also mu future, my life.

And because of that I got my motivation back. First because of my parents and second because I wanted to prove him that I can pass my exam regardless of anything. So, young girls out there, don't give up. Stand up for yourself. The right man will come. Allah is the best planner.

p/s: note to myself supaya rajin study!!




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