show off

This is my first time commenting or responding to something viral in Fb. I'm not type of person who will bother myself with something useless like this. It's wasting my time and I don't know whether the information is right or wrong.

But this post from this want-to-show off-IPTA-student really trigger to speak out something from my mouth. I tried to control my comments because I have a lot of friends who studied medical in IPTA. Honestly, I felt sad back then when I failed the requirement to take medicine at IPTA. Everyone has their own reason and same goes to our rezeki and faith.

Do you think we, IPTS students are very easy to pass the exam?? We have to study too, struggle too, stay up too, just like you, just like everyone else that has the title 'student'. Sometimes we have to spend more money compared to you IPTA students. We have to drive our own car ( sometimes carpool), if we want to go to the teaching Hospital. We don't have our specific teaching hospital like all of you. We don't have bus to take us to the campus or hospital. To conclude everything we are struggling in every aspect. We sacrifice everything just to achieve our goals which is'to be good and safe doctors.'

But yes I agree with you. Maybe some of us just like you said. But the thing is you can't simply posted something like that in the SOCIAL MEDIA. Try to put yourself in our shoes first. Don't simply brag about your SPM results which is funny for me. For your information dear, none of us in IPTS who got no A's during SPM. SPM results was past history. Now the new journey begin and we have to face it differently.

So, forget your SPM result dear.




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