new hobby: baking story

It's a bit shame to tell that I'm a new fan of Grey's Anatomy but I don't care as long as the stories are interesting and good. I admire Izzie Stevan instead of Meredith more but it only last untill season 4 only. Season 5,6 and 7, I started to love Meredith no matter what.

To keep the story short, Izzie Stevan frustrated because her fiance died during season 3 if i'm not mistaken. She baked many fluffy muffins. Andd before this I had this kind of perception towards certain people. I always feel that women will look beautiful if there are studying TESL and good in baking. So, I started to bake a vanilla muffin. First trial not so okayy because I have to beat the eggs and sugar until 'kembang' and 'berbuih putih'. Not enough beating! wrong technique!

Second trial was better than before. The muffin looked fluffy in the picture only but actually keras and crunchy on the outside, fluffy inside. huhhh wrong again! Third trial I baked chocolate muffin, and it turned out to be so 'padat' or 'ketat'. Wrong wrong technique again and again! I don't know the correct technique for baking muffin. Some people told that we have to beat it lama-lama andd some people said no no just sikit-sikit je nanti muffin tak gebu.

Finally, I felt bored and tried something else. I baked banana cake for the second time but first time by using oven since I really hate baking back then, I used 'kukus' instead of oven. Alhamdulillah the banana cake turned out to be okayyy and delicious. Cewah I'm proud of it kasi can la kembang sekejap bukan senang nak minat bake nih.

So, the conclusion is I think baking teach you to be patient and it was addictive. Once you 'terjebak' you'll keep on baking everything.


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