It's finally coming!!!

My final year will start in less than a week soon. I totally not ready!! Just finish sorting out my planner but still not complete because I don't have the timetable yet. I only know that I'll starts with internal medicine first which is 'everything under the sun'. It's okay lahh belajar banyak and susah dulu.

My final preparation??

Telling the truth I'm not study anything during this holiday. I just eat, sleep, eat, sleep haha. No lahh I'm so happy because this holiday I always hang out with my family and friends. A lot of wedding to attend, Engagement ceremony, anddd gossiping with my schoolmates. They already finish their degree and I'm here not finish finish with studyyyyy je. This is the perk of being a doctor. You chose that career Jannah go with it and work hard! Maybe I have to study until I becomes a mother or the worst case scenario, until becomes a grandmother! (I hope I can get married A.S.A.P bahahahaha).

I also started to have a new hobbies like baking (I really hate baking before), put a makeup on (In the past, I really hate makeup makeup things) and bussiness (still planning with my friends). I'll make another post everything about my new hobbies since I already feel lazy to hit the keyboard or now. I wants to have my late lunch and a cup of coffee. Bye!!




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