post-hectic week

Finally this week will end soon. IM posting is not kidding. It's soooooooo hectic and most classes started after 5 PM. I have two more weeks for this posting and until now I feel like I learnt nothing. It's so bad and I have to be more productive and need a motivation right now.

Tomorrow no class only ward round which I will use that time to do PMD (7 PMDs in a month! crazy). I also have 'imbalance-hormone-syndrome' which I easily feel stress and sad. What you guys do when you're in bad mood and sometimes crying without a reason??

For me, I just cry hahaha..but of course in a room before sleep, no one can see and woke up with 'Panda and swollen eyes' next morning for sure. People can't see the Panda eyes because I'm wearing specs!! So wear your specs okay haha..

Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we are worthy. No matter what people said about us, let them be. Everybody is not perfect. Maybe some of them think they're perfect but it's okay ignore that kind of people. They just wasting your time. I also remind myself to be strong. There are many challenges that I have to face in the future.

Other than that, we cant force people to be in our shoes or understand our problem. Because sometimes we did the same mistake. We're not be in other people shoes too. They also can't make you feel better because the one who knows better is actually you yourself. You're the one who can change your life whether you want happiness or sadness.

p/s: I remind myself because i'm a normal people. Sometimes when I have a mood swing, I really need someone to understand me but it end up complicated. So, I will reflect back what I did today or yesterday or whatever day. Maybe my relationship with Allah is not good? with people? I remind myself to not be judgemental. I remind myself that Allah is the best planner. I have to be patient, patient and patient.  


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