
Despite of unfinished works (PMDs, PMS, log book), I'm here sitting in front of the laptop updating my blog! Believe it or not I'm in Perak man!! Home sweet home!! I'm soooo happy. This is the place which no one will judge me if I want to eat rice at 12 o'clock in the morning okay! (I'm just kidding).

Home is where the heart is. I'm so happy to be with my family no matter what. Although we are not on the phone everyday, but we still keep in touch in our own ways. I was so stress lately because I started with IM posting which was the toughest one for me even though I really love IM during my 3rd year. As usual expectation really killed my mood. So just keep calm and try to solve the problem by yourself, don't even dare to run from something, faces it patiently.

The most interesting is I lost 3 kg because of stress plus level 5 Apartment with no lift! (sigh). But don't be too excited because I just weighed this morning and I gained 1 kg haha 2 days staying at home okayyyy 2 days! Maybe after this will do all house chores instead of sleeping haha! I feel so grateful because my grandparents stayed with me for almost 8 years. Everyday my Opah don't even care if I woke up at any time that I like.

She's so sporting and back up me "takpela dia penat study". hahaha padahal bukan sepanjang masa study. Thank you Opah I love you soo much. This is what the perk of being 'cucu sulung', so semua okay jee. But because my parents taught me how to respect others, I'm not always woke up late. There would be certain days, I will breakfast together usually weekend. If weekdays??? I feel so lazy and just brunch at 10 or 11 am haha.

As for me, its normal for us to wake up late. We're not even a wife with many responsibilities. So enjoy your life. hhaha




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