
Showing posts from 2015


I ended my 2015 with a lot of tears because of happiness and sadness. Ni la first time aku experienced benda yang selama ni aku tengok orang and suddenly aku pun rasa benda tu. My mother was diagnosed with septic shock secondary to peritonitis. Emergency operation hari ahad yang satu family tak bagitau aku. Awalnya memang aku marah and geram. Tapi bila fikir balik ada banyak sebab so aku terima dengan redha jela. Bila sampai je ICU tula first time aku tengok muka ibu pucat..tak larat nak cakap tak berdaya nak buat apa..Tapi alhamdulillah after dua hari ICU sehari HDU, ibu survived maybe sebab semangat and moral support dari family. Ni jugak first time jaga orang sakit kat ward. Sape kata selesa mestila tak selesa. Layan orang sakit memang mencabar and kena banyak sabar. Tapi alhamdulillah tak sikit pun dalam hati ni rasa geram or marah sebab ibu sorang je dalam hidup. Tak ada ibu memang tak semangat la aku. Aku sentiasa doa supaya jangan ambil nyawa orang yang aku sayang buat mas...

Duit atau ikhlas??

Post ni macam pelik and actually macam takde kaitan antara dua benda ni.. Tapi bagi aku as a medical student benda tu macam ada kaitan bila soalan-soalan macam ni: 1) kenapa nak jadi doctor? 2)private hosp or government? Okay last week session kat OT memang bukak mata aku seluas-luasnya pasal duit dengan ikhlas. Kalau sebelum ni aku memang prefer nak berkhidmat kat government hospital and tak payah la nak kejar duit sangat sampai kerja kat private. Kesian kat patient sebab kita ambik duit dia bla bla bla... Tapi ada satu opinion lecturer aku yang aku ambil contoh and logik sebenarnya... Dia cakap kita sebagai orang islam kena ada knowledge..Taki kisah pun doktor nak private or government. Yang pentingnya niat. Kalau kita niat kita kaya tapi lepas tu kita banyak tolong orang islam banyak derma and sebagainya..Tu dah cukup bagus sebenarnya..Lain la kita niat nak kaya raya nak menyombong and bangga diri tak boleh la macam tu..And lecturer tu cakap jugak kita boleh tolong ...

telescope vs stethoscope

Everybody made mistake and sometime the mistake was very funny especially this one.. A: Awak nak gambar awak dengan telescope? B: Ha?? telescope.. (and then B was wondering..She thought she did not have any picture with telescope)..kenapa nak gambar dengan telescope? A: Saja nak tengok sebab awak jarang tunjuk gamba awak kat hospital.. B: ohhh laaa bukan telescope awak stethoscope!!  A: ohh sory la tak ingat nama benda tuuu... kesian!!  Yang B ni memang tak boleh tahan gelak laa..tapi dia still kasi la satu gambar taknak bagi kecik hati kann..Sebaik conversation ni dalam whatsapp so A tu memang tak tau laa yang B gelakkan dia..Tapi sebenarnya cute la jugak... P/s: So even ambik aerospace engineering pun ambik tau la sikit pasal stethoscope ok! hihi xx jannahamidon

my diet diary

Don't be so excited to read this post because i'm not going to share my SUCCESSFUL diet...Actually, I can't stand it anymore..Only last for 3 days...So now I redha with my chubby face and my weight was nearly overweight.. The most annoying problem with me is I can't live without nasi...I must eat rice once a day either lunch or dinner..I also can't make the amount lesser like people said only eat nasi as equal as your fist. Can you see my fist??? I never eat nasi at that amount...NEVER..I only can do jogging but unfortunately the weather nowadays was so 'nice'. The rain always envy with my effort and rather than jog every evening, I sleep soundlessly on my bed. So, now I will share the apps that I used throughout my diet journey and I had fun with these apps. First.... I download my Fitness Pal. This apps can calculate your daily calories. You can record whatever you eat at breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You also can scan the barcode and t...

The best

Whenever you feel sad, you will find someone who you can express your feeling and share your problem. But all people are same, they will have something like envy,bad feeling and also maybe not sincere to give you advice at all. These people are not bad but they didn't feel the problem that we faced. So, as a conclusion, I have the solution..yeahhh hihi My mentor told us to tell every single problem to your parent because they may not be jealous with you and wanted the best for you. So, my second solution is remember Allah. Praying is the best solution ever because Allah knows everything and they know the exact reason behind it. For now, i stick to this solution and I felt calm and I believed Allah knows the best. -Jannahamidon-

one less problem without you~

less one problem without you~ What you guys do when people talk bad things about you?? 1. Crying 2. We  have to accept it no matter what and at the same time ignore it because they don't know the exact problem that we faced. 3. Learning to accept other people opinion or advise. But it's hard for me because i'm the type of person who will think about it first and only me can make decision about myself and thinking thoroughly whether it was wrong or right. Sometimes, when I felt so angry or depressed or whatever it is my friends and family also couldn't help with it. But I appreciate their advise and thank you for giving me some time to think about it properly. 4. In our life, we can't run away from other people expectatio and we also judge people sometimes~ 5. Life to the fullest, move on and start a new life..Be a better person...Prove to everyone that you are strong..Think about your future and how to achieve your goals..and don't forget Allah is always...

All in black

As usual my friday is jubah or dress day...haha no lah just me created that things because if you come to my uni all students or staffs and also lecturers are wearing jubah especially the black one.. Actually i hate black because it's like colour for mourning...sorry people out there who love's just me who have this problem, so don't worry hehe..But today I wear black jubah because I have viva test (like berkabung for viva)...I have to mention that there is a test which we called it viva because someone thought viva is a car..yes it's correct but it's not what I mean.. I feel so nervous because truthfully I have not study so much and not so confident with my case...Thank you for my senior because she helped me so much and coincidentally we got same supervisor and same topic to be presented... As I enter the small room, I feel like what ever happen I must finish these today, just keep calm and try my best..So, I start present my case..I can see her lo...

family time

Alhamdulillah my parents and also my grandparents all came to KL yesterday...I'm so happy and felt motivated to start the journey as a medical student (yeahhhhh)...(don't malas2 Jannah, you have to make your family happy with your achievement..Thanks Allah I'm not studying oversea because if yes, i will crying a river and being homesick forever and ever... The thinks is I always pray for Allah's guidance throughout my journey and granted me and my family heaven. Alhamdulillah with all the rezeki that Allah gave us..I'm proud to say that I have a happy family...I also pray to Allah, please don't take all the people that I loved now, because I really need them as a strength for me.. (I cried while typing this)...homesick mood on everyone...ready the tissues already beside the laptop.. ok now..let's start with the topic about teenagers nowadays.. Sometimes, I can't understand some teenagers refuse to continue their study (I mean secondary school) espe...

lesson for today

Assalamualaikum everyone!! Hari ni dapat pengalaman yang best sikit masa community visit..Alhamdulillah tak drive sendiri sebab jalan kat kl like hmmpphhh..Sape duduk kl mesti faham..Benda pelik yang aku rasa kat kl ni pukul 9 pun jem dia mak aihh.. So back to community visit story mory aku hari ni...Belajarlah rasa bersyukur..Bila fikir balik kita asyik bandingkan hidup kita kita dengan orang yang lagi kaya..Padahal bila kita tengok orang yang lagi kurang kita akan rasa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada... Seriously environment kat flat tu memang sedih..Flat kat mana??? dirahsiakan hehe..hint dia mmg kat kl la..Actually patients psychiatry need a strong family support especially bab makan ubat..Ubat and check up follow up semua tu kena ikut..Tapi you know mulut senang cakap tapi kita tak duduk kat tempat family tu sendiri or patient tu sendiri... Tapi kita boleh buat mana yang mampu..Bagi aku staff-staff macam nurse,doctor and semua tu dah usaha mana yang patut..And tu...

Kuih Kuih

Kalau korang duduk Cyber tau la perasaan susahnya nak dapat makanan melayu yang sedap...Macam biasa aku seorang yang memang suka makanan melayu a.k.a lidah melayu...Kat sini memang susah nak cari kuih untuk saja2 makan untuk minum petang..Sampai la satu hari aku and Al try explore area Puchong.... Puchong n Cyberjaya tak la jauh mana tapi sebab aku ada sikit fobia nak lalu jalan ni..Sebab tu jarang pegi area sini..Tapi sebab makanan punye pasal kitorang sanggup..Tambah lagi kedai kat Cyber yang kitorang selalu pegi tu tutup sebab raya haji..Kitorang dalam sehari tak boleh kalau tak masuk nasi.. Finally kitorang jumpe kedai ni..Kuih and makanan dia semua sedap and murah compare dengan Cyber la..So selagi tak jemu maybe seiap hari kitorang pegi sini..So disebabkan ni jugak la fobia aku kat jalan yang tak elok kat Puchong tu berkurang.. hehe

reclaim your heart

can't wait to read this and surely I will share everything that I understand here in this blog  Life is like a wheel, there are times when you are up and sometimes you are down..Thank you to my friend because she willingly to buy this book for me..I was lucky because this book is quiet reasonable in price there compared to Malaysia..So save 50%  because of currency actually.. I really like this book to motivated me throughout my moody and stressful life..Do you believe that I usually reading some motivational quotes or books to stable back my moody or PMS-like symptoms (medical students understand this, the rest just google hehe) rather than be motivated my people..I had a difficulty to accept or digest certain type of people advise.. In my 22 years of life, I only can accept advise from my parents, grandparents. and my BFF (Al, Epa, Wani). I am a type of person who have to sit for a while and recall back what you have done today..Is it good or bad? If bad try to...

Laundry day

Weekend is always be my laundry day. Laundry is one of my favourite things in my life but I hate folding clothes. I don't know why guys. Every time I felt lazy to fold the clothes properly, I will remember my great grandmother who were meticulously and neatly kind of person in folding clothes. So I told myself I need to be like her.. Having a mum who are working is quite tough actually. My mother only cook and do all the house chores during weekend. And she reluctant to have a maid since I was small. I proud of my mother. I hope I can be a super mommy just like her.The grateful thing is I only have 2 siblings and I wonder how a mother with 10 kids can manage all these things well. Proud of all the mothers in the world...You have super power you... As a conclusion, my mother always be my number one role model in my life at all aspects beauty, responsibilities, attitude, health and I think no words can describe how I love my mother the most in my entire life...I hope I can b...


Alhamdulillah manage to arrive home safely yesterday without heavy traffic..But I don't know why I have to stop two RnR to get some sleep..Maybe because of driving alone and I easily got bored and sleepy..It's very dangerous guys if you still continue driving stubbornly...So I give you some tips if you are a loner like me hehe 1. Turn on your radio and sing loudly..Sometimes I sing all songs from radio including the advertisement haha...This is the best time for you to express your talent and vocal in your own way without anyone notice..No need to worry about pitching lari or not haha... 2. Eating cookies from subway..chocolate chips always be my favourite flavour..Double chocolate also delicious but it's too sweet and I feel like to vomit because of that.. 3. Drink Nescafe or anything caffeinated. The nescafe latte always be my all time favourite... Sometimes I miss the moment when I took ETS train to Ipoh..I can sleep until the last station and waiting for my pare...

new pinky baby

I told you guys about the BB compact powder from Etude House on my previous post..I really love that compact powder so much...My main reason of course because it is pink in colour and it's shape or design just like princess...As usual I always pretend to be a princess (walaupun sebenarnya memang takkan dapat jadi haha)...So I want to share a facebook page which I used to buy korean product in cheaper price. Don't worry because it is original.It became cheaper than normal price here because of direct shipping from korean..And no GST lahhhh...just postage je yang kena bayar..Memang akan ada pro and cons kalau beli online.. Advantages 1. Cheaper price..not kidding okay almost half price..My compact powder usual price roughly is RM 110.00 if i'm not mistaken and now it became RM 60..Can't you see that??I just need to add RM 6 for postage.. Disadvantages 1. You will get your parcel after 2 weeks because they need to wait for the things to arrive Malaysia firs...

good morning from cyber

What do you do when you wake up in the morning??? (during weekend or sem break) 1. Turn off your alarm and go to sleep for a while 2. After about 2-3 hours you will wake up again and still on your bed. 3. Checking instagram and facebook,scroll down until you can't scroll anymore and maybe stalking your crush hahaha (mengaku jela takkan tak pernah buat) 4. Playing games in your phone...(what's the trending games righ now ha???) As for me i'm a game lover too ...I played episodes,fashion designer games (berangan je mampu sebab tak reti pun berfashion),village life, and cooking fever..Honestly, I can't live without games because this is the only way to reduce my stress and of course wasting time haha... 5. Take a bath and still after tat checking your phones and replying whatsapp and so on So now I realise how many hours that I wasted everyday especially during weekend or holiday...Will try to improve that haha (konon je memang tak la). So good morning from Cy...


I got something that made me interested to share it here..This is about how this girl shared her secret of success. I envy her because I hope I can be like her and manage my time well to read Al-Quran everyday... Monday- surah Ad-Dukhan Tuesday- surah Al-Hasyar Wednesday- surah Al-Waqiah Thursday- surah Yassin Friday- Surah Al-Kahfi Saturday- surah Ad-Dukhan Sunday- Surah Al-Mulk after Subuh prayer - Surah As-sajadah

knitting vs menjahit

Satu malam tengah jahit butang baju yang dah tercabut...tetiba terfikir best jugak kalau pandai jahit baju sendiri..terus bersemangat nak belajar pulak padahal tak sedar lagi sehari nak balik cyber.. Aku: Ayah nak belajar jahit la..ade kawan anje tu boleh jahit baju sendiri macam best je... Ayah: boleh je nak beli... Adik: Tak payah rugi je..bukan ada masa nak belajar jahit (sambil main phone) Aku: hmmmmpppppphhhh Tak menyokong langsung! Bukan senang kakak dia yang sorang ni nak jadi perempuan melayu terakhir..Tapi bila difikirkan balik aku dengan menjahit memang takde chemistry..Tak cukup sabar nak teliti benang yang halus macam tu..So sape yang macam aku boleh try knitting..Bagi aku knitting best sebab benang dia besar sikit,comel dan cara dia pun senang..Cuma ongkosnya mahal sedikit..Mahal banyak sebenarnya..melainkan korang nak bantai main2 boleh la beli yarn jenama nona..sebab kalau tak silap tak sampai sepuluh ringgit pun satu gulung...Tapi kalau nak buat sweater ke pap...


Makin dekat nak balik cyber makin rasa stress..Stress ni bukan apa sebab fikir homesick yang bakal aku rasa tak lama lagi..And tidur yang bakal takkan cukup lepas ni..(memang tak pernahnya cukup)... Stress sebab kena start packing..and my bad habit I'll sleep when I'm stress..Tak tau la tidur salah satu cara nak tangani stress ke tak tapi that is my method..Terpulang nak tiru ke tak haha..'Why border!' haha... Benda yang menghilangkan stress kalau dapat parcel tu jelah... thank you  @eppaamir  and activity yang dibuat and agak gedik la sbnanye selfie dalam kereta..Bila boring ni la jadinya...

like a bat

What you guys do before sleep..I have difficulty to sleep..can I call it insomnia?? I feel like I am a bat...fresh at night but sleep during day haha...I think I have to overcome and correct my biological clock..I better hurry before new semester start.. I tried so many things like drinking hot milk..woww so healthy isn't it?but it was not give any effect to me at all..sigh..So the best solution for me is getting bath and put my night cream on my face..good luck to me... I don't know why I can't study during holiday..Salute to anyone who can study well during holiday..Can you give me some of your spirit? hehe...

cerita stew daging

Masa cuti masa yang tetiba aku habiskan dengan try resepi yang aku suka of course..haha..So godek-godek internet terjumpe resepi stew daging...Okay resepi ni sangat la best and alhamdulillah menjadi...dan disebabkan cuti nak habis baru jumpe blog ni tak sempatlah nak try resepi yang lain... Okay sape yang minat boleh tengok resepi kat blog ni okayy... So cerita bermula seminggu lepas gigih aku mencari beef stock,bay leaf and thyme powder..semuanya takde kat Mydin...ok aku give up maybe nanti datang mesti ada..So aku datang hari ni dengan penuh excited still tak jumpe jugak bahan-bahan yang aku nak..aku pun memang malas nak drive pegi jusco or tesco dah.. So apa yang aku buat??? Buat resepi sendiri hahaha...beef stock diganti dengan kiub daging...Aku masakkan kiub daging knorr tu dengan dua mangkuk air ala-ala dua cawan air la lebih kurang...maka jadila beef stock version Jannah haha... And haruslah tak masukkan bay leaf dengan thyme dah sebab oregano je yang ada kat ...


7 huruf yang ramai orang tak boleh buat...emotional post sikit malam ni sebenarnya..disebabkan lama jugak tak post pape kat sini bukan sebab sibuk ke apa tapi sebab malas yang teramat sangat..Yup kita cakap balik pasal RESPECT... kita kena respect kat orang lain especially orang yang lebih tua dari kita macam mana pun perangainya and apa pun yang dia buat kita kena respect..Apa pun yang jadi orang akan tengok siapa parents kita..So our attitude depends on how our parents taught us... aku ingat lagi apa yang ayah pesan, setinggi mana pun kita sepandai mana pun kita jangan nak tunjuk besar depan orang yang lagi tua..takkan kemana pun sebenarnya..kalau Allah nak tarik balik segala nikmat dan kepandaian yang kita ada tu sekejap je sebenarnya.. Hidup macam roda kalau kita nak orang respect kita, kita kena respect orang dulu...This post is a reminder for me also..I will try to be a good muslimah...At least we have effort to try to be better..lower our ego and try to change to be a good...

Resepi mushroom soup

Takde apa yang nak dishare kat sini so share jelah resepi mushroom soup..Ni semua sebab rasa teringin nak makan and ayah suka sangat sup ni tu yang buat..So aku share jela resepi kat sini..Macam biasa resepi selalunye google tapi lepas tu bahan yang tak cukup pandai2 la ubah hhehe.. Bahan-bahan 7-10 cendawan 1/2 tin susu sejat/susu segar butter (10 mg- jangan banyak sangat sebab nanti sup became oily) 3 sudu besar tepung gandum 1 kiub ayam/stok ayam 1 biji bawang besar 1 ulas bawang putih oregano black pepper CARA-CARA Buatkan stok ayam dulu sebab take time kan..tapi for me yang pemalas tak payah stok ayam just masukkan kiub ayam dalam lebih kurang 2 cawan air.Biarkan mendidih. Potong cendawan kecil2 dan ambik 1/4 daripada cendawan letak tepi dulu Panaskan kuali dan cairkan butter Lepas dah cair tumis bawang putih dan bawang besar yang dah dimayang halus..Jangan tumis sampai hangus tau hehe.. Masukkan cendawan dan masakkan sehingga layu dan lepas tu masukkan...


Alhamdulillah selepas nervous yang amat sangat..finally pass jugak third year...Serius ni exam kedua yang paling aku cuak lepas ambik result SPM..Exam kali ni jugak la yang aku dengan BFF Aliah buat keje giler stay up kat Old town sampai pukul 4 pagi...Time drive tu doa lah banyak2 tak tertidur..Tapi takpe dalam Cyber je..Dekat je inshaa Allah okay... Nervous dengan continuous assessment yang cukup2 makan..Alhamdulillah pass jugak..Thank you Prof H..continuous OnG iols sikit..Tapi ni semua berkat doa dari parents and family..Kalau takde doa2 tu memang tak okay la result..Giler tak giler exam sampai 3 posting week seminggu.. But nothing impossible if we have faith..Allah will help us no matter what.. Saja nak upload banyak sikit picture my BFF... Ambik kau gamba dari first year sampai third year..Tanpa dorang aku takkan bukti kitorang punye friendship..and jugakkkkk bukti kitorang makin mengembang ke makin kurus hahah...

insomnia or oversleep??

Sebenarnya akhir2 ni memang tak dapat nak lelapkan mata awal kalau kat rumah..Takut pun ada ni semua sebab effect stdy smpai pkul 4 time nak exam haritu..pastu habit tidur lambat tu tak berubah dr situ..Tapi kat rumah ni rasanya bukan sebab stress sangat pun tapi maybe sebab tengok movie sampai pukul 2-3 pagi..haihh jannah teruk betul... So kali ni mesti nak kena betulkan balik biological clock yang jarum dia dah terpusing jauh sangat maybe...So jalannya kena tidur pukul 12 and baku pukul 6..Okay satu lagi problem time pagi mestilah tertidur balik lepas subuh..Habit ni teruk yek kawan-kawan..Jangan tiru gaya ini haha.. So apa yang aku nak buat ialah: 1) baca quran/maathurat lepas subuh 2) maybe lepas tu or sebelum subuh dah mandi bagi segar 3) lepas tu terus jalan-jalan kat luar rumah ke bagi segar sikit 4) Maybe aku boleh aerobic supaya ada exercise sikit.. Harap sangat benda ni boleh buat aku tak tidur balik lepas subuh..harap ok dan aku bole betulkan balik bio clock aku.....

as promised

picture of my Man Fan...Currently rasa nak giler fikir result exam..Its okay jannah keep calm and relax

Resepi Man Fan

Disebabkan tekak kurang sikit western, bila pegi tappers selalu order Man Fan...(chinese cushion I think)..So teringat kat sorang housemate ni tetiba teringin nak buat man Fan hari ni..Here I share the recipe from my cute friend.. Resepi Man Fan 1) Goreng bawang putih and bawang merah (kalau nak goreng ayam goreng sekali) 2) Masukkan air dan kiub ayam 3) Masukkan fishcake + kicap masin + white pepper 4) Bila dah mendidih masukkan tepung jagung yang dah larut dalam air..Masukkan sikit2 sambil kacau..Try larutkan dua sudu besar dulu kalau x pekat baru tambah lagi satu sudu..Tapi jangan pekat sangat.. 5) Bila dan mendidih pecahkan telur dan masukkan sambil kacau sebab nak jalurkan dia.. 6) Last sekali masukkan sayur (taknak masukkan sayur awal sangat sebab nanti tak crunchy and kurang khasiat..Tak kisah sayur ape..for me mestilah sayur sawi/kobis/carrot and wajib ade cili padi bagi pedas sikit..) 7) Cedok nasi ikut sukalah dia punye kuantiti pastu tuang kuah yang...

Raya 2015

The sad thing is no picture of us this raya..We were rushing to Solat hari raya that morning and went back to kampung (both sides)..This was an advantages for us because my parents never fighting for who's kampung first and everything during raya hehe... I feel grateful because my family including my maternal grandparents are not someone who are very clingy and cerewet..They did not care whether this raya their children wanted to spend first raya at in law's and everything..They understand really well..It will be easy for me too in the future..Not because of in laws and everything but HOSPITAL!! I may not have holiday because of ONCALL... But it's okay..don't think about it yet..2 more years to go..sigh..But I never regret because this is my choice..:) All sedara mara will gather at my house on 2nd Syawal..ibu will cook macam-macam and I will eat a lot..That's why I became chubby.. and raya kali ni soalan cepu emas yang tak suka nak dengar start la datang.. ...

end of Ramadhan

Sedih sebab puasa dah habis..Tapi dalam masa yang sama nervous menunggu result exam haritu..cuak..Boleh tak kalau taknak tengok langsung and just doa and raya dengan happy..huhu..Okay kita luoakan sekejap pasal raya and result just focus kat apa yang patut dibuat malam raya ni okay... Baru tadi terbaca kat Fb malam raya malam yang mustajab kalau kita banyyakkan berdoa dan buat solat taubat..Dan tak lupa jugak banyakkan bertakbir..Inshaa Allah kita sama-sama usahakan buat semua ni.. Tapi dalam sedih and nervous tunggu result pun tetap rasa bersyukur sebab boleh puasa and raya kat rumah..Alhamdulillah sebab dapat cuti yang agak lama la jugak sebelum start year 4..sedar tak sedar lagi dua tahun dah nak grad..rasa macam sekejap je..Rasa macam baru je masuk CUCMS time first year..(mood sedih tiba-tiba).. p/s: Selamat Hari Raya Maaf zahir dan batin dari saya and family..Semoga Ramadhan kali ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya..Semoga kita dapat istiqamah dengan apa yang kita amalkan sepanja...

coleslaw recipe

I got this from internet..Sharing is caring.. 1/4 cabbage 1 carrot 4-5 tbsp mayonaise 2 tbsp lemon juice 1/4 cup full cream milk/susu isian sejat 1 tbsp sugar salt black pepper Mix all the ingredients above and keep it cool in the fridge... I'm so bad in taking picture..sorry about  that.


Holiday made me became lazy...terukkan??? tapi takpe better habiskan cuti buat apa yang kita suka..Alhamdulillah puasa kat rumah best sikit..bebas nak buat apa yang kita suka..disebabkan sekarang bulan ramadhan so boleh la buat amalan-amalan sunat semua dengan tenang sikit bila kat rumah..Semoga puasa kali ni lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya.. Persiapan raya??kalau nak kata tempah sampai berbelas baju raya tu tak la..biasa je sudah..haha..kuih raya??? memang tak pernah buat sebab semuanya and my mum are so bad in baking...So aku tak cukup bersabar nak baking2 ni..haha..Kalau masak biasa minat la sebab senang campak je macam mana pun mesti jadi jugak.. p/s: Thanks untuk membaca post yang sangat la bosan..maybe akan update bila rasa ada mood 

end of third year

Alhamdulillah..sepanjang last posting memang takde masa nak tengok blog..tapi instagram wajib pulak scroll setiap hari kan?? haha...Betul la ustazah masa sekolah dulu cakap makin besar makin kita busy dengan hal dunia sebagai contoh kena study and kalau dah kawen maybe tanggungjawab pada family dan macam2 la...Tu semua ujian yang semua orang tak dapat lari... So finally jannah hamidon habis third year..Previous post ada cakap pasal D.U.I.T kann so sekarang stage tawakal dengan degala yang kita dah buat..Diri ni sendiri tak sedar macam mana lah boleh hadap tiga paper for tiga posting (surgery,paeds and ong)..and no study week..Rasa nak pecah otak mengingat segala benda..Doa,usaha dan tawakal je yang boleh buat aku kuat selama exam week haritu.. End of third year means I do not have reflection session anymore..Really miss my Mentor..Walaupun jarang dapat jumpa dia tapi dia sangat cute,penyayang and hardworking lecturer...Really respect her attitude..Paling terharu bila dia cakap..let...


Salam everyone.. Rasa macam dah lama tak post ape2 kat blog ni..OnG posting sibuk sangat dan keadaan internet yang ciput macam siput kat Manjung buatkan aku rasa malas nak bukak blog..hehe Alhamdulillah dah lepas dah semua posting untuk semester 6 ni..Last sekali OnG posting yang sangat laaaa............. Tak tau nak cakap apa..Maybe hikmahnya ialah bersyukur dengan apa yang ada walaupun carry mark untuk posting ni tak memuaskan... Pape pun takpe kita kena redha baru la rasa tenang je..hehe cewah ayat tak boleh bla... Tahun ni Ramadhan kat Manjung and seminggu di Cyberjaya..Rasa macam sedih sebab tempat yang paling bagus dan best mestilah rumah kan...Takpe habiskan written exam ni inshaa allah boleh puasa dan raya dengan enjoy dan tenang..Tenang ke?? mestila tak sebab tunggu result sekali.. Please pray for me sebab nak exam lagi dua hari je..Start dengan paeds pastu OnG and surgery...Inshaa allah usaha dan tawakal..Teringat masa sekolah rendah, guru besar aku pesan ingat DUIT ...

cuba untuk mengerti

bukankah semestinya cinta yang bisa membuat bahagia namun kau yang tak pernah mahu mengerti ertinya cinta tak habis kuberfikir sampai bila begini kumenanti rasakan indahnya cinta kucuba selalu untuk mengerti tapi tak  mampu bertahan lagi akan kujalani hidup mengabdi cinta yang pantas untukku ikatan cinta sudah berakhir dua hati kan menjadi saksi hanya waktu menemani biar kenangan tersimpan di hati mengapa pertengkaran selalu ada antara kita dan begitu mudahnya  kau ucap kata ingin berpisah seharusnya kau tahu takkan semudah itu bila memang kau tulus mencintaiku


Currently at my home sweet home..Lari dari Manjung yang panas gilerr dan more to lari dari OnG posting yang stress..This week relax sikit sebab Prof H takde alhamdulillah... Balik je rumah hibernating dulu..Mana tak gemuk Jannah oit kalau asyik tidur je..I don't care sebab gunakan masa yang ada sebelum housemen ni untuk tidur puas and enjoy to the fullest... Malam ni nak share my own opinion..maybe I'm wrong but like I said my opinion...Aku bukan jenis yang akan judge orang straight forward..Ada orang yang tak percaya..Ehh dia sekolah agama ke??Nape dia tak pakai tudung labuh???Awat tak alim pun?? I give all of you two situation... One: You pakai tudung biasa but still tutup aurat yang penting dan wajib ditutup..Make sure tudung tak jarang..lengan jangan dedahkan dan pakai stokin..You tak over bila bercakap dengan lelaki..Cakap bila perlu and tak gedik... two: You pakai tudung labuh tapi still bersembang dengan lelaki..keluar dengan lelaki..Ajak lelaki datang ruma...

good luck to me

Dah sampai Manjung macam biasa...sekali ni je nak datang awal nanti jangan harap la balik mesti nak dekat maghrib baru smpai sini... yup here I have to manage my time well..I have to study for ong..Even 2 days weekend at home made me forget all things about ong (ok tipu)..I have to prepare for the worst especially for my cwu with Prof H...Ya Allah please soften his heart...Dapat borderline pun dah bersyukur... I told my mother about him yesterday... me: Ibu, anje takut la cwu..lecturer tu failkan orang je kje jarang dapat lulus ibu:takpe try la buat..mana tau lulus..cuba buat ikut apa yang dia nak me: ...... okayyy that's my mother..Jangan harap la dia nak sebelahkan aku..cikgu ke lecturer jugak yang betul hehe

never give up...

Dragon boat competition??Actually I had no idea about this competition...But HS told me everything and now I understand..So never give up..Kalah or menang adat pertandingan..Try your best and you will never regret... :) congrates for your second competition just now..


I told you guys that I wanted to lose weight and my tembam face right??Tapi sedih sebab my weight still 45 Kg...Tak bergerak langsung tak turun and tak naik..(of course I don't want it to be increased..sigh).... Ohh I forgot to tell you my blood donation story..Yang ni memang sadis..I took almost 5 years to gain weight up to 45 kg.I know its weird because almost girls want to lose their weight...My reason???because I want to donate blood..Can you see how kind I am (muntah dengar hehe..just kidding) Finally I reached the target..and then I completed the form..One thing I hate the most was when my finger are getting pricked by the needles..But believe me It's painless..The nurses just want to check my Hb (hemoglobin)...She asked me.. Nurse: Adik berat berapa meh timbang dulu My weight was 45 kg..fuhh lepas...Tapi my Hb 10.3 so can't donate laaa Nurse: Dik tak boleh ni Hb awak cukup2 untuk awak je tak cukup nak bagi orang lain haahaha I frust!!! Tapi maybe I  h...

I respect you if you respect me

Yesterday I listened to this song..of course old malay song..don't simply criticize me please..I hate that..As long as I respect your taste in English and newest coolest songs don't disturb my interest towards Malay songs if you don't want me to kick you up from my carrr...Okay just kidding...don't take it seriously...


Alhamdulillah safely arrived home today..Sampai je rumah, makan and then tidur..I just thinking of hibernating after 3 hours journey alone..Always loner..Maybe not for the next 2 or 3 years hehe... The reason why I did't update my blog was because of my lappy...For your information my almost 5-year-lappy since foundation..I hope I can get a new one hehe...So kat rumah terpaksa pakai laptop mana yang ada.. I'm going to Manjung this weekend with all kind of feeling..nervous,excited,lazy and etc..I just want to pray that my case write up will be accepted with good marks (since my supervisor was Prof unlucky..sigh)...Futhermore, I hope I manage to study well and divide time for myself to study for another 2 posting which are surgery and paeds... Exam is around the corner..I did't remember how many days left for me to study for all that three subject..I believed Allah will help me no matter what...I have to slow down my laziness habit...I have to diet since m...

I turn 22

"I don't know about you but I'm feeling 22 Everything will be alright, if you keep me next to you You don't know about me, but I bet you want to Everything will be alright, if we just keep dancing like we're 22, 22" yup I turn 22 today..geram sangat dengan my BFF sampai hati wish lambat...Actually Jannah Hamidon selamat dilahirkan pada 18 May 1993 pukul 10 malam hehe..Skema giler ingat semua..birth weight??2.6 kg normal okayyyyy sebab sekarang tengah mood ong) 10 pm 17 May 2015.. atuk hantar sms yang sangat sweet... yes,this is our family tradition..Atuk memang takkan lupa birthday cucu sulung dia ni sebab 17 may tu tarikh anniversary dorang...Im happy for this..atuk was the first and earliest person who wish me happy birthday...As usual tok and his cute grandfather like grandchildren...(don't copy this!!totally wrong idiom) 12 am 18 May 2015 got wishes from ibu,ayah,adik and HS... Aku tunggu lama sangat dua...

Happy mothers day!

I know its a bit late because I believe everyday is mother's day..I'm a bit busy for this posting and  I don't have mood to post anything here..sorry for that.. Last thursday, I was oncall..I was in OnG posting now and of course I entered the labour room..This is my first time seeing normal labour..Suddenly I felt sad because my mother did the same thing to gave birth of me...I felt like crying over there but I tried to hold it (as usual never crying in front of people) So,ibu I love you so much...I will try to be a good daughter for you..Thank you for being patient with my behaviour..Thank you for understand  and always support me...thank you lahirkan anje..Sorry ibu you got ugly stretch mark because of me..(OnG mode againn) sigh..   

Lazy people

Currently in OnG posting mode..I had no intention to update my blog at all..I just forced myself to write something today..I think this posting was interesting,frightening,palpitation,stress and clueless..Tak semangatnya rasa..Come on Jannah, you can do it!! Maybe today was my first day clerking patient at Hospital tettttttttttttt...(Let it be secret)...I could not imagine how kind this patient was when she still answering my questions, although she already had contraction...I amazed with her..Will I be a great mother one fine day?I didn't have answer for that question because I'm still youngg..hehe no lahh..The time will come..We just have to accept it and try our best.. I think I want to stop here..Got more things to be studied...Pray for me Bye

OnG posting

Macam biasa sampai Cyberjaya haritu tak jammed alhamdulillah..Tapi macam biasa Cyberjaya panas sangat tapi tak boleh lawan Manjung... Kelas pun start dan ni last posting..Posting yang paling tak banyak problem sebab grouping semua lecturer yang buat..So no gaduh-gaduh anymore hehe...  Aku rasa ni posting paling takde luck untuk aku sebab dapat supervisor yang hmm tak tau nak cakap..Tapi takpe ada hikmah kot... Entry kali ni tak tau nak buat apa..sebab hati takde mood nak blog2..maybe lepas ni sibuk dengan posting baru..


Lagi sejam nak bertolak dari rumah..Gud lark to me nak tempuh jammed hari ni..Harap semuanya okay dan cepat sampai cyber..Sedih sangat..Nape cuti sekejap sangat.. Harap dapat Manjung dulu for ong posting..Tapi tak tau kenapa hati dapat rasakan dapat Putrajaya dulu..Its okay then tak kisah la apa pun hanya boleh doakan yang terbaik See my updates lepas dah sampai Cyber okay..bye!!

cinderella story

Actually dua hari ni sibuk dengan kenduri sedara..So aku bila datang mood nampak benda yang tak berkemas start dah..gila nak kemas walaupun sekarang jam dah pkul 11.40 pm.. Btw tahniah tu my aunty yang tak berapa nak aunty sangat la...kitorang beza setahun je..Sory kak nadia terpaksa  balik awal sebab ada kenduri lain and tak sempat nak snap picture..Im happy temankan akak time akad nikah and temankan akak mekap and macam-macam laa.. I'm proud of you sebab even 23 tahun dah ready nak kawen..Please don't ask me anything about relationship..I  love being single for a few years untill I finish my study (maybe)..waiting for my prince charming.. Honestly,diri ni tak ready opinion,jangan kawen sebab ikut orang kawen awal..Make sure diri ready baru boleh kawen..Sape2 yang single welcome to the club girlsss hahaha..don't be sad percaya pada Allah..And jangan lupa doa okay..

cucur udang

Tak tau kenapa balik cuti ni rajin nak masak..oppss saya tak pandai masak yang simple je boleh la..Kalau yang complicated memang malas nak try.. Hari ni takde mood nak lunch nasi..even cucur udang sangat la pelik kalau makan time tengahari..Tapi jangan terkejut aku makan cucuq time lunch..Selalunye aku akan buat banyak sikit sebab aku memang suka cucur..feveret dari kecik lagi.. And Perak hujan lebat setiap petang..rasa best la jugak dari panas je kan..As usual I love rain.. Yup me and my coffee..haihh hari ke berapa cuti tak boleh nak study kat rumah..pejam celik pejam celik exam final nak dekat dah..memang best sangat exam tough,paeds dgn ong


1.00 a.m 30/4/2015 Semua benda sekeliling kita akan berubah termasuk diri kita sendiri..Kadang-kadang tengok budak-budak main tidur makan..rasa jeles kan sebab bila makin besar makin mencabar..Tapi ada benda kat dalam hidup ni yang tak boleh patah balik..Kita tak boleh jadi pengecut nak patah balik ke belakang..Kita kena berani nak maju ke depan.. Kita boleh rasa sikit perasaan menyesal dalam diri tapi jangan jadikan benda tu satu alasan untuk kita tak move on..Setiap apa yang jadi ada hikmah yang tersendiri..Allah ialah sebaik-baik perancang..Kita hanya manusia biasa yang sangat kerdil.. Quotes yang ni memang kena sangat dengan aku yang suka main game ni..Yup siapa yang gila games memang akan faham..makin level game naik makin susah..So kita kena usaha supaya kita boleh menang..level game sama dengan umur kita..Makin besar makin banyak cabaran..Problem??benda ni normal..Yang aku ingat dulu ada satu quotes tu..Manusia yang tiada masalah ialah manusia yang mati..Kalau kita ya...